Example 1
- T1-7. S1. Several 7 turn corners available. I could easily start with another.
- T8-10. S2.The BWO corner is the obvious choice, but BYR is also excellent.
- T11-15. S3. 4 bad edges. It's tempting to try to preserve the RY/B and/or OG/Y pairs, but it's rarely worth it. I just go straight for the bad edges.
- T16-24. S4.A simple S4 with no real choices except in T21, where you can pick either of 2 options. The other leads to a 44 move solution the way I usually do it.
- T25 makes it easier to see the corners. [P13/3]
- T26-33 S5+6 is a fundamental move to solve S5-6 for this corner config
- T33-41 S7 Arne (A2)
Example 2
- T1-4. S1. The existing BW/O pair makes this the obvious start.
- T5-10. S2. The BYO corner is a little easier than the other two
- T11-15. S3. There are 2 ways to fix these bad edges in 5 moves. They look equally good to me. I pick one on random.
- T16-29. S4. Nothing too obvious here, so I go for the GOW "broken corner".
- T30 makes it easier to see the corners.
- T31-40 S6+7. (no S5) Bruno (G4)
Example 3
- T1-8. S1+2 The RY/B pair gives an obvious starting point. Luckily, that also forms the OY/B pair, and with some unusual moves I can fix both S1 and S2 simultaneously. If you pick a half turn instead of the quarter turn in T6, you get the beautiful solution to the right (uses perfect B4), but that's hardly possible to see then.
- T9-13. S3. With both the BW/R and OW/R pairs already formed, you'd think there was some clever way to do S3 and S4 in one sweep, but I can't figure one out. So I just fix the edges without breaking the pairs.
- T14-20. S4. It's too hard to preserve both blue pairs. I just do the simple one, luckily, the other falls right into place.
- T21-27 S5-6. is solved with a Niklas. The perfect FL solution is 12 moves, 4-5 moves faster.
- T28 color adjustment.
- T29-37 S7. Allan (A4)
Example 4
- T1-9. S1+2 There are two good pairs to start from. I pick the GO/W, since the first turn also forms the GR/W pair. Some original thinking lets us do both S1 & S2 at once.
- T9-15 S3. 2 bad edges left after.
- T16-26. S4 GRY is a "broken corner".
- T27 color adjustment.
- T28-34 S5. A Niklas does S5 and sets up the corners in Sune position. Niklas twists corners like Sune, so the "target" rules from S6 apply.
- T35-41 S7. I end with a Sune (B5) [P11/3]
Example 5
- T1-5. S1. Despite WO/G being done, it needs 7 moves. YOB is the only decent corner to start with.
- T6-12. S2. All 3 corners suck. BWO looks a little more fun.
- T12-20 S3. There are 4 equally good ways to do T17. One day I might show all four here.
- T21-31 S4. All the other corners look downright hostile, so I start with the RYB one (OK, OYG has some promise too). T25 is key! Forming RW/B midway is unusual, but works great here.
- T31-40 S7. (No S5 or S6) Allan (A4). A great ending of a problematic solve. Bypassing S5 & S6 is just luck. I'm not that good!
Example 6
- T1-9. S1+2. The GO/Y pair is "stuck", so I start for the GOW corner instead, while preserving the pair. With some very careful maneuvering in T4&T5 it all falls in place very nicely.
- T9-14. S3. I pick a half turn in T10 to preserve the RW/G pair
- T15-27 S4. GRW is the obvious corner for S4a. I make sure to split up the malformed GR/Y pair while building GRW. For T24 I can pick one of two turns, and do the one that gives a better corner configuration.
- T28-34 S5+6. Niklas
- T35-43 S7. Allan (A4)
Example 7
- T1-12. S1+2. Only bad corners here. The WO/B pair is awkardly placed. The best I can come up with is to do the YOB corner, while preserving the WO/B pair, and try to keep things together. 12 moves is good for such a bad start.
- T12-19. S3. 6 bad edges needs 7 moves. The third move you can go two ways, but I can't say which one is better.
- T20-33 S4. One of the 4 corners is slightly less bad than the other 3. In T20 I choose the move that separates the misformed BR/Y pair. In T30 I can go two ways. They look equally good (the other also ends in 52, but I didn't know that)
- T34-41 S5+6. This handy move solves this corner configuration for S5+6.
- T41-52 S7. Bert (A3).
Example 8
- T1-7. S1. This one was painful! The GW/R pair looks great, but can't be completed in under 8 moves. The others don't look any better. The best I can find is this 7 mover for OYG
- T8-10. S2. I kept an eye at WOG during S1, and made sure it was in good position. T5 was key. .
- T10-12 S3. Only 2 bad edges.
- T13-24 S4. YBO is the obvious choice for S4a. Very standard S4b move.
- T25-31 S5. Maybe my least favorite corner config. There's a 13 turn S5+6 sequence that I don't know... So I do a Niklas.
- T32-41 S6+7. A lucky Bruno (G4). These can go much worse.
Example 9
- T1-6. S1+2. GO/Y looks like the perfect start, but if you look more you see that you can build GR/Y first, while keeping the GO/Y pair intact, and do S1+2 as fast as you could do just S1 with GO/Y.
- T7-12. S3. In T10 I can go two ways, this one is best for the RGW corner
- T13-23 S4. Both RGW and BOY look good. RGW is 2 moves shorter.
- T23-32 S5+6. One of the 2 diagonal corner swaps I know.
- T32-40 S7.Arne (A2)
Example 10
- T1-7. S1. One of several 7 move options.
- T8-14 S2. One of several mediocre options.
- T14-18 S3. The only way.
- T19-23 S4a. RGW looks slightly better than the others
- T20 Quarter turn instead of half turn to break up the problematic RB/W pair.
- T28 Half turn instead of quarter turn gives better final layer position
- T24-31 S4b. Simple standard move that uses many turns.
- T32-39 S5+6. My standard move for this corner position.
- T39-51 S7. Bert (A3)
Example 11
- T1-10. S1+2. It's clear that RWG and OWG are the corners to go for. How to get there quickest is trickier. There may be a shorter solution.
- T11-18 S3. 3 moves longer than needed to preserve the 2 pairs. It seems worth it.
- T19-25 S4. The pairs work. I primarily build on the RWB trio, but the RY/G pair gets nicely built up using the same moves.
- T26-36 S5+6+7. Well known Niklas plus Sune (B5) case. 7 + 7 = 11 when the sequences melt together. [P10/1].
Example 12
- T1-7. S1. BRY is one of several 7 move solutions.
- T8-13 S2. BRW is the least bad alternative.
- T13-20 S3. I have to work for it here too.
- T21-31 S4. GRY looks best.
- T32-45 S6+7. No S5. G3. [P12/2]
Example 13
- T1-10. S1+2. A few 6 turn corners. I picked one at random. Midway I decided to do S1+S2. T5-6 sets up S2 in mid S1.
- T11-15 S3. Textbook S3.
- T16-28 S4. No easy pickings. I do the easiest corner the hard way.
- T29 Color adjustment
- T30-40 S5+6. My standard move for this corner position. [P13/6] (131).
- T40-48 S7. Allan (A4)
- Averages for 13 solutions
- S1+S2: 10.2 turns
- S3: 5.6 turns
- S4: 11.3 turns
- S5-7: 15.4 turns
- Total: 42.5 turns